When CSAP schools are closed due to bad weather, childcare services will only be available later in the day. This allows employees and families time to get to the centre safely. A detailed message is left on the answering machines of the CPE Carrefour 902-435-1332 between 6: 00 and 6:45. We will also send a message on Planitou and Class Dojo, as well as our Facebook (when possible).
If the school’s management assesses that road conditions are too dangerous for travel (typically in conjunction with the closure of other organizations, such as the offices of the federal Government, or other child care services) the CPE may decide to close. If the Centre is already open and weather conditions change during the day, parents will be initially notified by e-mail to come pick up their children at a reasonable time.
Please note that if there is a school closure during the day, all children using Garde Scolaire services will automatically be transferred to our care. Due to the number of phone calls school staff need to make to notify parents, it is possible that parents will be notified after a brief delay.
For more information, please consult the parents guide